Due to the limitation in training dataset and model parameter scale, most the open source LLMs such as Llama2, Mistral, Baichuan2, etc., are unable to support features like function call or output specified format as effectively as GPT-4.

Based on the modifications to the sampling rules ultilizing token probability predicted by LLMs, we can solve this perfectly. For example, when numerical outputs are required, the sample probabilities of non-numerical are suppressed, achieving the desired output. This can be a transitional approach in response to the insufficient capabilities of open source LLMs. Here are some project related to this purpose:

🚀 Using llama.cpp grammar to enforce a specified format for LLMs output

Llamacpp grammar is based on a specific set of syntax, but we don’t need to learn it, there is a simple way to do this 😆.

  1. Define the data structure with TypeScript
  2. Goto intrinsiclabs and translate TypeScript to Llamacpp grammar

For example, if our desired output format like this:

  "game_state": string, # "game over"  "game on progress",
  "message": string,
  "active_player": string,

First, define data struction with TypeScript:

interface DM {
  game_state: GameState;
  active_player: string;
  message: string;

enum GameState {
  GameOver = "game over",
  GameOnProgress = "game on progress",

Then, translate it to llamacpp grammar:

root ::= DM
GameState ::= "\"game over\"" | "\"game on progress\""
DM ::= "{"   ws   "\"game_state\":"   ws   GameState   ","   ws   "\"active_player\":"   ws   string   ","   ws   "\"message\":"   ws   string   "}"
DMlist ::= "[]" | "["   ws   DM   (","   ws   DM)*   "]"
string ::= "\""   ([^"]*)   "\""
boolean ::= "true" | "false"
ws ::= [ \t\n]*
number ::= [0-9]+   "."?   [0-9]*
stringlist ::= "["   ws   "]" | "["   ws   string   (","   ws   string)*   ws   "]"
numberlist ::= "["   ws   "]" | "["   ws   string   (","   ws   number)*   ws   "]"

Finally, pass the grammar into llama.cpp model and the model output will meet our definition perfectly.

code example

import json
from llama_cpp import Llama, LlamaGrammar

model = Llama("/data/hf/mixtral-8x7b-instruct-v0.1.Q4_K_M.gguf")
grammar = LlamaGrammar.from_file("test_grammar") # save the grammar string into a file

prompt = """Player1 and Player2 are playing a game named happy ending, following is the conversation between the two players:

Player1: hi
Player2: hello, how do you do recently?

Now reponse the game state, action player and message with Json format. Message involves the environment description string."""
res = model.create_completion(prompt, max_tokens=1000, grammar=grammar)

The output is : {'game_state': 'game over', 'active_player': 'Player2', 'message': 'This is a happy ending after Player1 says hi and Player2 replies hello.'} which match the format perfectly.

😆 A more prefered way for Python!

Instead of writing TypeScript code, we can use Pydantic:

from pydantic import BaseModel
from enum import Enum

class GameState(str, Enum):
    game_over = "game over"
    game_active = "game on progress"

class DM(BaseModel):
    game_state : GameState
    message: str
    active_player: str

grammer = LlamaGrammar.from_json_schema(DM.schema_json())
res = model.create_completion(prompt, max_tokens=1000, grammar=grammar)

The output is : {'game_state': 'game on progress', 'active_player': 'Player1', 'message': "Player1 said 'hi', Player2 replied saying 'hello'"}, Great!